Friday, April 21, 2017

Last Week in April (04/24-04/28)

Happy Thursday parents! We are at the point where there are less than 30 days left of school for the year. Can you believe it? This year flew by and we can't believe that it is almost coming to an end. We understand that at this time of the year, students tend to start slacking on their school work. Please encourage your child to keep working hard because we still have a lot to do, yet a lot of fun content as well. Also next week on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, the students will have their Math PSSAs. During these days, please make sure that they are getting an adequate amount of sleep and a proper breakfast in the morning, whether that is at school or home.

Math: There will be nothing new taught during math class for the week due to PSSAs. This also means that there will be no homework being sent home.

Science: Students will continue to work on their invasive species project. They have been given a rubric to follow and are required to either make a Powerpoint presentation or poster. They may work on this at home. After they complete their project, the students are expected to present their information to the class. Lastly, for fun, the students will create a WANTED poster to present their information.

Reading: The students have chosen good fit historical fiction books to read during independent reading time. They will be identifying historical timelines and comparing those to their characters' timelines.  They will be looking for themes and significant parts in the text.  We will be using the powerful historical fiction novel, Number the Stars, to model these strategies.

Writing: We will be studying a published literary essay so the students have an example for when they begin drafting their own literary essays! They will continue to grow ideas, include quotes and evidence for their brainstorming portion.

Social Studies: We will continue to study the 50 states and capitals.  Next week we will be identifying the states by region.

Word Work: A new word sort will not be sent home this coming week due to PSSAs, so there will be no Tic Tac Toe Homework due the next Day 6.  The next word sort that will be sent home will be on May 2nd. Therefore, TTT homework won't be due again until Day 6 on May 9th.  A reminder will be written on the blog next week.

Upcoming Dates:

Math PSSA: April 24th-28th

Science PSSA: May 1st-3rd

Track and Field Day: May 4th (rain date: May 18th)

Sunglasses Day: May 10th

Puberty Lesson: May 22nd

No School: May 29th

Last Day of School: June 2nd

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