Tuesday, May 3, 2016

A Rainy Week in May (05/02-05/06)

Happy Tuesday Parents!

I hope that everyone is doing well and staying out of the rain. This weather is really putting a damper on our track and field day this week. As of right now, our meet will be held this Thursday, May 5th. If it rains, I will keep you posted with the new date.

Ms. Duke and I are also trying out a new version of our Thursday Check-Ins. In the front of your child's binder is a behavior/agenda sheet. On this sheet, we will record your child's homework for the week. On Friday, Ms. Duke and I will check off on the sheet whether your child completed that homework or not, or if they were absent. We will also both circle one of the faces to make you aware of their behavior for the week. There is also a section for us to leave comments and for you to comment back to us. Please sign this paper, place it back in child's binder for us to check on Monday. We are hoping this will help to better keep you in the loop of what is going on in your child's life. The following document looks like this:

Here is what is going on in fourth grade this week:

Math: Students will be completing various lessons throughout the next couples. Please check their agenda sheet and the Remind App for updates on what homework will be due.

Science: We are moving right through our STEM unit and it is off to a great start! The students are super involved and putting a lot of thought and focus into their work. I will be posting pictures daily of the kids working and the projects they will complete.

Monday: Construct An Igloo

Tuesday: Build A Blanket

Wednesday: Snowball Shooter

Thursday: Track Meet

Friday: Build A Tower

Reading- How does text structure affect the way we interpret information in nonfiction text?

Writing- We are writing historical fiction, and reflecting on the research we found for our essay topics

Social Studies- How does our government work? We discussed the roles of the 3 branches of government. We will be taking a closer look at each one.

Word Word- Tic Tac Toe Spelling is due Tuesday, May 10th

Vocabulary- We are having a Word of the Day Quiz on Friday!


May 5th: Track and Field Meet

May 13th: Book Order Forms Due (if you are ordering books)

May 14th: May Day 11:00-2:00

May 19th: Career Day
                  Puberty Lesson for the Girls

May 26th-June 1st: Fact Fluency Testing

May 30th: No School

June 1st: Scotties Trees Rock Celebration

June 3rd: Last Day of School (1/2 day for students)