Tuesday, August 30, 2016

First Full Week Back to School 08/29-09/02

Hi parents! Hope your child's transition back to school went smoothly. We wanted to thank each and everyone of you for sending back all paperwork quickly and efficiently. It makes our jobs a lot easier and we really appreciate it. Here is a look at what is going on this week in school.

Math- We started our Everyday Math program on Monday, so homework will start to come home each night except Fridays. Please make sure that your child is completing this to the best of their ability. I check for completion not if it is correct.

Science- This week we will be completing a few small labs to help teach the students about the scientific method. We will be starting our unit on Matter next week.

Reading- Students were given a book bin and have chosen several good fit books to read. They also keep a reading binder in this bin. This week we will start the first unit of interpreting characters. The students will learn to read intensely and write about what they are reading in order to have meaningful book discussions.

Writing- We started our Narrative unit this week. The students will be writing detailed Realistic Fiction stories based on a small moment in their lives.

Word Work- The students will be given Word Their Way sorts that are addressed specifically towards their different spelling needs. Look for these sorts in envelopes coming home soon. They will have homework activities to do using these sorts and this homework will be due every Day 6. The word sorts need to come back in their envelopes every day so we can use them for word work activities in class.

Class Meeting- The students learned about an important organ- the brain! We will work on how to calm our brains and be more mindful in order to focus and do better at school. Ask your child to show you the effective breathing techniques we learned.

Upcoming Dates:

September 5th- No school!

September 7th- Black and Gold Day

September 8th- Mazie Gable PTO Ice Cream Social @ 6:30

September 14th- Elementary Instrumental Enrollment Meeting at the Senior High 6:00-7:30