Monday, February 6, 2017

First Full Week of February (02/06-02/10)

Happy Monday and first week of February! We hope that everyone who watched the Superbowl had a good time and they got the outcome that they wanted! Please take a look at what is happening in fourth grade this week and the upcoming events that will be happening at our school and throughout the district.

Math: We are continuing to work through Unit 6 of Math which focuses on different methods of division. I will be teaching the students the traditional way to multiply with a lot of emphasis on practice at school. If you would like extra worksheets for your child to practice at home, please reach out to me and I will help out in any way that I can. Also, I wanted to make each parent aware that my classroom in transforming into a blended learning environment, which means that your child is completing the same math concepts and work, but they are working at their own pace and at their own ability. It gives me the opportunities to challenge students at a higher level, but also focus more on the students who are struggling with the harder concepts.

Science: We are still working through our adaptations and patterns unit. Your child will be conducting a research based project on a specific animal throughout the end of this unit and will be presenting their findings to their peers. I am excited to teach students how to further their research and to use good quality websites!

Reading: The students have been busy researching! We have used our reading and note taking skills to research important information and subtopics on Native Americans. While the students are finishing typing up their Native American articles, we are beginning a new subject; The American Revolution. We will find good fit books and articles to read and take notes on the information from those resources.

Writing: We are learning how to write an article, which is similar to an essay but with headings.  All of the Native American research the students have found will now be organized in this paper.  They will continue to use proper conventions and paragraphs, as well as strong introductions and conclusions.

Social Studies: The topic of the Revolutionary War will be integrated into language arts. We will learn about the causes of the war, battles, important leaders, and the outcome. Please feel free to have your child bring in a source that relates to this topic.

Word Work: New word sorts will be given out on Tuesday. Tic Tac Toe homework will be due next Monday, Feb 13th!

Upcoming Dates:

Study Island Benchmark (Math and ELA): February 6th-13th

Workout Day: February 8th

Elementary Basketball Tournament: February 16th-18th

No School: 02/17 and 02/20

MG Book Fair: February 21st-24th

MG Movie Night: February 24th @ 6:30

4th Grade Musical: February 27th

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